What a waste of time that was…

If you looked at your day in retrospect, what would you say was a misuse of your time?  Have you ever even thought about it?  I have been feeling convicted of “time abuse”  lately, so I find myself considering just this. I have a lot of things to juggle, but I am confident that it can all be done in a day if I am intentional and focused. Am I running my day, or is my day running me?

This is in no way meant to be critical or judgmental, however I hear a lot about “not having enough time” for one thing or another. Like I mentioned before, I am transitioning to more balance as well. consider these time stealers and how much time they get from you.

*Watching TV. most people do it, but are you intentional about it?  I don’t mean multitasking and not being “in the moment,” My hubby loves to snuggle on the couch and swap back rubs, this I consider intentional use of TV watching.

*social media. I am on it every day, and by no means am I suggesting you stop. however, do you know what everybody is doing for dinner, who’s kids are sick and what the latest celebrity gossip is…up to the minute?! then perhaps you check in a little too often. Just sayin!

*cooking. Don’t get me wrong, its important to eat at home and eat clean. have you ever considered meal prep? you can cook a bunch of meals in one day, or cook double batches at a time (one to eat and one to freeze). note to remember, if you can by it frozen, you can freeze it too! also, school/work lunches can be prepped on Sunday for the whole week!

*cleaning. I’m not suggesting you hire a maid, but how about your children?  If you pay them to do chores around the house its a win win!  My kids get $5 a week for their completed chores. the stipulation, they MUST put $3 of it in a savings account and junk food can not be bought with it. money management lesson and I don’t have to do dishes.

Do you work from home to be home with your kids?  I know that is why most of us add a home based business to the mix.  It is important to be “at work” during work time and “at home” during family time.  You do not need to be available 24/7!  You are not really home with your kids if you are on the phone, at the computer, or responding to messages/emails.


Looking for the Perfect Work at Home Business.  Click on image.

Remember mama’s, we are all a work in progress!  I am working every day to become better in all my roles, and even more so at balancing them!

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